Scolvo and Enterprise Mobility – A Year in Review

Scolvo and Enterprise Mobility – A Year in Review

To be present and to be better: they were our goals for 2017 in our two primary markets, Germany and Hungary. Looking back to the past 12 months, we have made good progress in achieving these goals, so we are going to start the new year with a momentum.


The beginning of 2017 was about to get a deeper understanding of the German market. After our entry last year, we would have liked to know more about our prospective clients and personally present our products’ capabilities to the professional audiences.


Therefore, we participated in three important international events. At the Mobile Tech Conference in Munich, SCOLVO had a stand and our Head of Sales, Krisztian Toth, presented a unique, live app-building demo. As one of 25 selected companies, we were also lucky enough to exhibit within the Hungarian stand on CeBIT (Home for Innovation) in Hanover. Soon after, Düsseldorf also welcomed us, and the other winners of Budapest Enterprise Agency’s Be Smart contest, at a presentation held in the Vodafone headquarters in Düsseldorf.

The highlight of our self-organized event series was the Munich Meetup, where we held a presentation together with Quanto Solutions about all the possible advantages a mobile application can offer to businesses as well as to partner organizations.



On the Hungarian market, we have focused on product developments and increasing client engagement. Our clients now include Raiffeisen Bank and the Sopronvíz, Bácsvíz, Alföldvíz, Nyírségvíz regional waterworks. We have strengthened our cooperation with two major retailers as well: Penny Market and Rossmann.


We paid special attention to the financial sector’s needs this year, with a focus on personal sales. That resulted in two successful pilot projects and the launch of the implementation of the first SCOLVO Sales app supporting insurance agents.

During the summer, SCOLVO also underwent some organizational changes: Kálmán Boda took over as CEO of the company and we moved to a new location. There, we can now provide enough space to accommodate some more mobile and backend developing capacity.

With the new colleagues, the team can now be more productive in developing SCOLVO products that are even easier to customize and implement. We have developed new modules for the SCOLVO app, like a gamified client assessment tool, and we have given a fresh design makeover to our website.

EXTRA! We are soon to publish a demo version of the SCOLVO app to download on the two major mobile platforms, for everyone to see what we can do!

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