Three Ways to Develop Enterprise Mobility Apps

Three Ways to Develop Enterprise Mobility Apps

Enterprise mobility apps have evolved to a point where they can actually make doing business easier by simplifying processes. So you want to jump on the bandwagon as well, but are already overwhelmed by the thought a mobile development process that seems everything but simple?

How do you select who to trust with this project in the first place? The good news is, you have more than one option, and one should be simple enough to manage. Here’s a little guide to match your situation with a solution.



Mobile Platform Providers

When to choose it?

  • If you want to translate a complex and specific process to mobile,
  • If you want the user interface extremely customized,
  • If you are ready to dedicate ample resources (time, workforce and money) to make all this happen.

Selecting a mobile platform provider might be the ideal solution if you need a very specific app, and you have the in-house expertise to build those specifics. A platform provider company will help you develop your own specific application by contributing modules or some other well-defined parts of the application development.

In some cases, you might also be able to select some basic functionalities to be built in. But more often, you will have to add the functions yourself, as well as tweaking the user interface precisely in the way you like it.

Software Vendors

When to choose it?

  • If you are satisfied with the functionality of your ERP solution but would also like mobile access to it,
  • If you have a piece of mainstream software with the mobility solution included.

If your business is already engaged with one of the major providers of ERP software, it might be a smart move to get the mobile solution from the same vendor. They tend to include this in their offering, so you will not have additional costs related to the mobile implementation, plus you get the same complex but familiar experience.

However, if the standard workflow in the ERP is not covering your processes, then the standard mobile workflow is not going to be satisfying either, ultimately hindering your productivity. It might also be too complex for the end user: even if you have the same software in your offices, field workers might not be familiar with its functionality, and will have problems using the mobile version.  

Application Developers

Individual Developers

When to choose?

  • If you only need certain workflows to go mobile but based on industry best practices,  
  • If you need an end-to-end solution,
  • If you want a customized application,
  • If ease of use is a priority.

With an individual mobile development, you have the luxury to have control over the outcome of the process, while you don’t really need to be involved in the process if you don’t want to. With a clear vision of the functionalities you need, all you have to do is to give a detailed brief to the developer.

Today, you can also find mobile development service providers like Scolvo that can offer you an off-the-shelf solution to your problem. Using the expertise gained from individual development projects, these companies create products that include the most common functionalities based on industry standards and best practices for a certain workflow.

This way, the risks of the development can be minimized for the decision-maker in your company, and also minimizing implementation times to as short as a week. These applications are typically made so simple to use anyway that they barely require any training times, they seamlessly integrate with your backend and can even be customized: by the user adjusting the settings or by the developer according to the client’s requests. To top things up, select a solution that has a great UI – you’ll be surprised how much it adds to the experience.