5 Essential Elements of the Workplace of Tomorrow

5 Essential Elements of the Workplace of Tomorrow

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The future of the workplace will bring paradigm shifts in many ways: the traditional boundaries of work and life, the hierarchies, and job descriptions disappear. Everything becomes interconnected, transparent, and mobile. The holistic approach to organizing work prevails. Productivity is seen as a result of seamless cooperation between the people and the technology in the management of the data.

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To break it down, the workplace of tomorrow will essentially contain these five elements:


The digitalization potential at companies is being utilized globally, but even at the leading country, USA, it is still at only 18%. In Europe, an even lower ratio of companies are fully digitized, and Germany currently stands at 10%.

But digitalization will surely transform the workplace, from the tools we use to the jobs we have. It also creates an incredible amount of data: so it’s more and more about how we extract the essential information for the business from that data most effectively. We focus more on analyzing processes and forecasting trends to increase productivity.


Technology changes both our private and working lives. We work increasingly mobile and use new, innovative tools to organize mobile work, especially when it comes to cooperation. These tools are heavily influenced by consumer technology, so their focus is just as much on being likable as on being functional.

It is achieved by a more human approach when software has to adapt to employee’s and not vice versa. As a result, software becomes flexible and easily adjustable.The buy-in of employees is key to the success of a mobility implementation.


Corporations that want to be successful as the workplaces of tomorrow should be transparent at all levels, including their values and their workflow.

This transparency also has its physical representation in the exterior and interior design of the offices (see Microsoft’s new Munich offices).

The increased transparency, if used consistently, builds the credibility of the organization as a market player as well as an employer.

Value-based approach

Transparency will support the company’s efforts to live by certain values and form the company culture along these values. The underlying concept is that our work environment should be identical to what we communicate to the market.

The new generation in the workforce, the Millennials, is especially focused on what values it can share with the employer. The value-based thinking is effectively supported by mobility solutions, giving employees the autonomy, responsibility, and motivation they demand. Work-life balance is perceived as the default, holistic approach.

Changing professions

As a result of the changes that go on in companies, professions are changing, too. There is a general shift in corporate decision-making: IT is not solely in charge of deciding about technology-related purchases but have to cooperate with other departments and provide back-end support to business decisions.

The individual professions are becoming more specialized as required by specialized technology (e.g. data scientists and cloud architects). The workplaces have to support a new, hyper-connected, digital native generation, alongside the older generations and facilitate lifelong learning.

SCOLVO is committed to developing solutions that enable companies to create the workplace of tomorrow. We believe that mobility is a major driver of innovation and digital transformation and that this innovation enables corporations to work more efficiently and stay ahead of the competition.
