It’s Not Laptop or Tablet Anymore – Fast and Light Wins the Race

As the major hardware vendors started to come out with their latest product innovations for the holiday season, tech enthusiasts worldwide are feeling the urge for their private and business lives to converge – again. To satisfy the “tech tooth”, we have collected the major laptop and tablet announcements and some arguments when you want to shop for the business.


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5 Ways Drawing and Sketching Help Reps in Selling

Drawing and sketching are not essential skills of sales representatives, yet they help them do their work better. Why? Simply by allowing stories to unfold visually and, therefore, to build trust. As we all know, trust leads the way to purchases… Here are five uses of the free hand in selling – all of them can be done on a tablet, too.


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Retail Banking: Sell More with a Mobile Solution

In the positions where the workers are out of office and on the go most of the time, the idea of mobilization soon emerges. But it may still come as a surprise that mobile tools and devices can help elsewhere, too, to increase client engagement and enhance the experience – like in retail banking.


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What’s Better: A Laptop or a Tablet for Field Sales?

Mobile devices, like a laptop or a tablet, are supposed to make the life of field sales agents easier. However, with an abundance of options made available by the advancements in technology, it is not at all easy to select the right solution.

We break down the significant points of debate between a laptop and a tablet when used for the work of a field sales agent.


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