5 Ways Drawing and Sketching Help Reps in Selling

Drawing and sketching are not essential skills of sales representatives, yet they help them do their work better. Why? Simply by allowing stories to unfold visually and, therefore, to build trust. As we all know, trust leads the way to purchases… Here are five uses of the free hand in selling – all of them can be done on a tablet, too.


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PSD2: New Horizons in Personal Financial Management

If we agree that the role of sales reps in financial services is transforming with the spreading of online services and that it becomes more of a consultancy in making decisions in complex problems that require a longer process than we have to reconsider what tools we use for this purpose. PSD2 now allows for brand new ones to try. 


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Can Siri and Co. Replace Your Sales Reps?

The sudden takeover of voice assistants is another milestone of digital transformation and, for many, it is yet another wake-up call. Humans are not alone anymore in any game, so why would sales be any different? However, can robots replace your sales reps? Also, the next question: is it good or bad?


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Turn Your Sales Team Into Selling Powerhouses with Mobile Sales Enablement

“I think my sales team is ready, they can’t get any better,” said no manager, ever. So they train, equip, engage, control, and repeat, to get the most out of them. But what is it that turns salespeople into real powerhouses and secures the future of the business at the same time? We think it is mobile sales enablement.


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Be the Winner Who Takes It All with Mobile Sales Proposal Automation

A sales job has its moments to shine, but very few of us would name the proposal-writing part among the most thrilling. What’s more, it can be like a giant black hole that sucks in so much effort and makes many of the prospects disappear. Sales proposal automation, paired with a mobile solution, is a viable alternative that speeds up the process to secure more wins.


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Is CEE Prepared for the Insurance Distribution Directive?

A week before the original deadline of February 23, the European Commission has agreed to a delay of the implementation date of an important new rule for the insurance sector. The new deadline that will affect the national markets is October 1, but the respective local legislations should be adjusted by July 1, 2018. Let’s see how the different countries prepared for the Insurance Distribution Directive.


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What’s Better: A Laptop or a Tablet for Field Sales?

Mobile devices, like a laptop or a tablet, are supposed to make the life of field sales agents easier. However, with an abundance of options made available by the advancements in technology, it is not at all easy to select the right solution.

We break down the significant points of debate between a laptop and a tablet when used for the work of a field sales agent.


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