Munich Partner Event Wrap-Up

Munich Partner Event Wrap-Up

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SCOLVO hosted its second partner event in Munich, on 16 March 2017, together with Quanto Solutions, to offer prospective partners and other interesting parties an insight into a new era of enterprise mobility and to officially launch SCOLVO’s products on the German market.

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In case you couldn’t make it to Munich, here’s a little recap of what happened that day in the cozy atmosphere of the Alte Hopfenpost branch of Satellite Offices:


Enterprise Mobility as Key to Market Success

To have an enterprise mobility solution in the selection of offers is without a doubt essential to stay in the competition. But only those companies that can provide the most efficient solutions in the shortest amount of time will survive in the long term. According to recent studies, presented by SCOLVO’s Head of Sales Krisztian Toth, the value of the enterprise mobility market is expected to nearly double at $128mn, in the next five years.

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Enterprise Mobility from the Perspective of an IT-Consultant

Next up was Kristopher Messerig, senior consultant of our first German partner, Quanto SolutionsKristopher presented some interesting case studies of the mobility projects Quanto contributed to as a consultant and compared different solutions for enterprise mobility management.

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He stressed the importance of standardization in the mobilization process: it is an efficient way to manage the complexity of these projects, makes it easier to integrate new processes. When it comes to standardizing businesses cases, it also makes the enterprise leaner and more sustainable.


A New Era of Enterprise Mobility: Mobilize Your Business Processes Within 72 Hours!

We made our audience totally forget about the traditional procedures of mobilization with cost-intensive delays, employee rejection, and useless functions. A great closure to the workshop part of the event was a live demo, presented again by Krisztian Toth of SCOLVO. In only half an hour, he proved the simplicity of “assembling” a mobile application for the business, with the help of SCOLVO’s ready-made modules.
