What is the Real Potential of the Enterprise Mobility Market?

What is the Real Potential of the Enterprise Mobility Market?

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The sum of the mobile devices, networks, and tools that allow employees to complete work tasks remotely, also known as enterprise mobility, has grown to a market itself, with an incredible potential.

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From an application development perspective, enterprises became an endless market outlet for developers with its exceptional demand driven by competition. And this trend is presenting great potential to the supporting industries as well, such as IT consultants and software integrators.

Here are some statistics that are quite convincing to jump on the bandwagon and add mobile application products to your offers:


1. Enterprise app market doubles in seven years

As a base for all mobile developments, the market of enterprise applications in general (desktop or mobile) was estimated at $150bn in 2015 globally, according to a study by Global Market Insights. The same study calculates with a 7.6% CAGR, suggesting the size of the market will reach $287bn by 2024 – almost double the 2015 figure.


2. Two billion mobile phones sold in a few

As for the devices, the mobile phones’ triumph is obvious: Gartner forecasts that, despite a slowing growth of smartphone sales, there will still be more than 2 billion sold of them by 2019. Such access to devices is driving demand for enterprise apps with performance and usability measures comparable to consumer applications.


3. Half of the employees work on mobile anyway

Regardless of whether their employer supports it or not, already 50% of employees used their smartphones for business purposes in 2015, a report from 451 Research revealed. This is a critical mass enterprises cannot ignore.


4. One in five businesses use 10+ apps already

So, apparently, they don’t even try to ignore the above demand. In an online survey by Canvas in 2015, 20% claimed to use more than ten business apps within the organization. These tools  were mainly cloud-based core apps from third parties, such as file storage apps, credit card processing, CRM, or accounting apps. Meanwhile, trends point in the direction of mobilizing more business processes for a sharper competitive edge.


5. Enterprise mobile app market also doubles in value soon

Accordingly, in 2016, the enterprise mobility market was valued at $74bn by Strategy Analytics. In only five years though, it is expected to reach an almost double value: $128bn. The main drivers behind this growth is the wide expansion of mobile working, especially in sales and field services, but also the growing availability of cloud and data services and wireless networks.


6. 83% of German executives support mobile apps

Accenture has found that even in Germany, where the digital transformation is still not mature, 83% of company executives thought mobile applications were essential to use digital technologies to their full potential. The most supportive industries are utilities and retail with 90%, while banking and insurance show 88% and 85% support ratios respectively. Among the apps already in use, productivity tools had the highest usage rates at 46%.


7. Internal IT-teams can’t keep up with demand

The capacity of internal IT-organization to deliver apps will probably not be enough to meet the ever growing needs for new tools: Gartner predicts that, by the end of this year, the pace of growth for the demand for mobile app development services will be five times faster.


8. The largest industries are still to catch up

So, in order to be or stay competitive, businesses will increasingly need to trust external services providers with their mobility projects. Technology-conscious companies will follow this trend easily, but the real market opportunities will lie in those that have so far been resistant to digitalization, like construction or manufacturing, spending only 1-2% of their multi-trillion-dollar revenues on IT-projects.
