3 Ways Mobility Helps Your Business Become More Sustainable

3 Ways Mobility Helps Your Business Become More Sustainable

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Mobility and sustainability are two trends that clearly support each other when the challenge is to better manage the available resources. A mobile solution in the enterprise contributes to protecting or just using these resources sparingly, in at least three ways.

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We can see these clear impacts of mobility on sustainability:

1. Reduces or replaces paper usage

Saving and recycling paper should already be in the blood of many of us by now. But when it comes to business, we become more cautious and rely on printed and filed documents as a backup.

But regardless of the industry or the current state of digital transformation at your company, you can be perfectly compliant if all the invoicing and documentation is created and stored electronically.

In other words, a paperless office can be achieved and business reasons are increasingly pushing companies in the green direction. Although a completely paper-free operation has only been achieved by 3% of the companies, 33% has made serious progress and become almost paper-free, and a further 16% is actively looking at their processes to find paper-saving alternatives.

And, if there’s a digital way, why can’t be a mobile way?

One of the “side-effects” of planning a mobile app implementation is to rethink your business processes and workflows. Do they really require people to print, copy, and distribute physical documents?

The answer is usually no: unlike bits and bytes, paper is made of scarce natural resources so the best way to save on it is to leave it out of business processes altogether. Not to mention that the storage of digital data is also cheaper and more easily searchable.


2. Better distributes resources

A mobile application not only saves on your resources, but it also helps to better distribute the amount you still need to get the work done.

One of the ways it does that is real-time data transfer: behind the fancy expression is the most up-to-date information on the whereabouts of your field work team, the status of your sales deals, or the available stocks of a certain product.

Through a mobile application, managers can schedule workforce hours according to actual demand, have the team complete tasks while on the go. A more effective distribution of resources can lead to productivity gains as much as 34%. Meanwhile, a super-responsive mobile salesforce, for example, speeds up sales cycles and leaves customers more satisfied. According to an Adobe research, 86% of US sales managers believe in the power of digital tools when it comes to improving job performance.


Helps gather better data to measure the impact of activities

To introduce new tools for a more sustainable operation, businesses need data to see what path to follow and what activities have brought actual improvements in these areas.

Mobile applications are the most useful for gathering real-time quality data: when registered on-site, it has a better chance to correctly describe the situation, reduce the chance of human errors, and create a more standardized environment for the analysis of the data.

Think about a sales situation: if the agent can present a questionnaire on a mobile device and have the client fill it, he or she can assist them with the questions and make sure the document is complete when submitted. Or, mobile apps can provide forms to update customer data, which is getting more and more important: in retail, for example, 90% of companies believe that by 2020 the majority of sales decisions will be done based on them.

Sustainability practices and principles have, therefore, several positive effects on business operations, and all of them can be enhanced by an enterprise mobile solution.
