This Was SCOLVO’s Year 2016

This Was SCOLVO’s Year 2016

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As much as the year 2016 was an eventful one, and a good one, for our industry, it all reflected in what we have achieved. These are the major highlights that SCOLVO is especially proud of:

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New market

Arguably the biggest event this year was expanding our business to a new market: Germany. As the single largest software market in Europe and one on the verge of the digital transformation of its business processes, Germany is a key market for SCOLVO.

In the autumn this year, we launched our activities there to explore “the potentials of productivity increase and simpler workflows,” as our CEO Csaba Csepeli put it. Exciting times to follow!


New partner

Along the lines of market expansion, we could announce our first partnership in Germany, with SAP-consultancy Quanto Solutions, that has seven branches in the country, including its Stuttgart headquarters.

Quanto praised our products, SCOLVO Process and SCOLVO Sales, as being easily configurable and therefore saving time and costs for their customers during the implementation.

We will support them in customer acquisition and project management, from the start to the actual implementation. In an effort to build a strong partner network, we offer the same support for all system integrators, consulting companies, software and mobility specialists that join us.


New website

At SCOLVO, we wanted to open a new chapter in our life and welcome our new partners and clients to this chapter. So we redesigned our website that better reflects what we stand for and what we aim to accomplish: to make it easy to connect with us. We have added some social channels, too!

We wanted it to promote the simplicity and easiness SCOLVO apps have to offer, in a beautiful way. It became a place not only to showcase our products but also to offer you, the reader, professional resources that help you succeed in mobilization. See for yourselfand tell us what you think!


Hungarian market expansion

Meanwhile, in Hungary, SCOLVO was busy with many new projects this year, for old and new clients alike. Our successful cooperation earlier with Sopron Waterworks led to another one of their projects entrusted to us – you can read about it in this case study here. We have also signed some new clients, such as Raiffeisen Bank or Rossmann, with exciting new projects, and we have partnered up with Innosmart as well.


Product development

On a less spectacular, but not a bit less important note, we have been working hard the whole year on further developing our products. While we still can not go into details, we make sure to add new, innovative features to the second release and to make our products compatible with new, yet-to-be-seen technologies. Expect to hear from us with some big announcements early next year!


Until then, the whole team of SCOLVO wishes you a peaceful holiday season with lots of friends and family love to charge you for the year ahead!
