Digital Transformation and Enterprise Mobility 2016 – A Year In Review

Digital Transformation and Enterprise Mobility 2016 – A Year In Review

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2016 was a year of controversion: a faster pace of growth for enterprise mobility solutions due to increasing demand from businesses and some old concerns that stayed with it.

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Since enterprise mobility is arguably a key element of the digital transformation puzzle, it’s good news that digital transformation was put high on the agenda of many business executives: SADA Systems’ recent survey shows 49% of the IT professional respondents said it was ‘extremely high priority’ and 13% thinks mobile apps are cornerstones of it.

This is supported by the fact that, despite any concerns from the part of the management, mobile workers are everywhere. According to an IDC estimate, there will be 105 millions of them by 2020, at a population growth rate of 2 million per year. Technologies to facilitate this new type of working were sure to follow.

Bring your own IoT

For hardware, the talk is not only about BYOD anymore, although it has seen the addition of a new component in the form of wearables – at least it has been reportedly outgrown pilot projects and scaled to real deployments. Meanwhile, the focus of the IT security experts had also shifted from securing the devices to securing the data.

Worrying about devices entering the game is more and more pointless, anyway, as the IoT world takes over. Connected devices are expected to more than triple in number in only five years – BI Intelligence puts it to 34 billion by 2020. Businesses are better get used to the idea that mobilizing the employees was just one of the challenges and managing the connected objects will surely be a different one.

Financial apps rule in ROI

The industries ahead of their games with excellent mobility apps are numerous, and mostly led by the influence of the IT and telecom industry, according to a new report by Transparency Market Research. The report also states, however, that returns on an investment in such applications are the biggest in the banking, financial services, and insurance sectors that will expand at a rate of 25.7% between 2015-2022.


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Market shake-ups

We’ve seen a further concentrating Enterprise Mobility Management market this year. Last year’s acquisition of AirWatch has gotten the ‘largest vendor’ title for VMWare by IDC, and some analysts are already cheering a similar move from Cisco towards MobileIron.

The shaky conditions called for new CEO at Mobilelron, while Citrix, another one with a huge change in its leadership, also made the news by announcing its partnership with Microsoft in May – a move showing the growing importance of simple and familiar when it comes to implementing a new solution.

Are we user-friendly yet?

Despite the constant growth and the undeniable trust of the businesses in mobility as the way forward, some challenges are yet to be solved. Enterprise mobility projects are still struggling with the incorporation of legacy apps and prolonging battery lives, but even more importantly, reaching an optimal level of user experience.

As the eyes of executives are set to the big picture, they start to tackle business workflows and processes. And when they go this deep, dealing with user experience issues is inevitable. Apparently, getting a user interface right is able to get anyone ahead of their games, making it more attractive to the new generation entering the workforce and more easy to learn for the previous ones.

Will the Year of the Rooster be the year of your business being mobilized? Share your thoughts about the trends you’ve seen or you’re expecting to see in the comments below!
