5 Irresistible Benefits of Storing Data in the Enterprise Cloud

5 Irresistible Benefits of Storing Data in the Enterprise Cloud

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Cloud storage is a great way to store, archive, backup, and, eventually, restore the data that is essential to running your business. In the last few years, enterprises have indeed been discovering this opportunity and have found a number of benefits of such solutions.

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Giving out data to a service provider, though, has been a concern that prolonged the growth of adoption to the technology: security concerns have long topped the list of arguments against it, and it has only been replaced by the fear of expertise shortage recently.

And despite these fears, the adoption of the cloud is unstoppable. Even in Europe, where the growth has not been really aggressive, already 53% of the enterprises used some kind of cloud service for the storage of their data, according to Eurostat. In Germany, this number is even higher: 56%.

Below we list five of the benefits we consider irresistible when it comes to deciding between storing your data on your premises or in the cloud:

Benefit # 1: It’s safer.

Just as your money is safer in the bank than under your pillow, cloud service providers’ sites are usually better and more professionally protected than individual companies’, the data stored on these is harder to access than on company premises. And, as it turns out, the access is a more crucial factor in security than the physical whereabouts of the data – it is stored in a box somewhere anyway. Plus, cloud providers can match the level of security according to the (perceived) value of your data.

Benefit #2: It’s easier to manage.

The same provider that makes it very difficult for others to access your data, is doing everything to make your life easier. They take care of the archives, the backup, and make sure that, with the necessary permissions, your employees can access the data from anywhere. You don’t have to worry about following the latest innovations on data storage or backup, neither about finding the best tool to speed up access to certain data – providers will have the necessary expertise for that.

Benefit #3: It’s easier to customize, scale, or dump.

Unlike when investing in hard steel yourself, you can let your business be more flexible about the type or scale of data storage it needs to best support growth. You can choose to only use a general setup for all users or make differentiations among user groups. You can use more storage only for a certain period. And, in case what you’re provided is not good enough, you don’t have to throw out a whole infrastructure out the window, only to cease the contract and migrate your data to another.

Benefit #4: It can be cheaper.

When you have on-premise data storage, the investment is enormous and never-ending. It has to be kept abundant, maintained and updated regularly. While an enterprise cloud provider will also cost a decent amount, the different pricing models and the transparency of services allow you to better control the costs. Depending on your company’s financial situation, the sensitivity or the amount of data, you can choose from subscription-based, usage-based, or other business models until you find the best fit.

Benefit #5: It’s a perfect complementary for enterprise mobility.

The very essentials of cloud storage, i.e. the access to data anytime, from anywhere, has made it a perfect partner for mobility. Still, it is common to find yourself struggling with integration issues between some enterprise mobile applications and the available infrastructure. Now some mobility providers, like Scolvo, take it one step further, offering mobility apps that are already integrated with cloud storage. This combined solution saves two headaches at a time, by making integrations with the cloud infrastructure automatic and providing an application to manage the data more effectively.
