NEW: Gamified Client Assessment Form in the SCOLVO Sales App

NEW: Gamified Client Assessment Form in the SCOLVO Sales App

Our latest development is the “Life planner,” a new client assessment form that is available as an optional module in the SCOLVO Sales app!


client assessment

We at SCOLVO are doing everything to make mobile work more comfortable, especially when it comes to catering the needs of sales representatives.

For every one of them, including the agents working in financial services, the first personal meeting with a prospective client is critical. A lot is at stake because they have to build trust and spark interest in a brief amount of time. The offer that they first present has to be exciting enough to engage the client.

We thought that gamification and an easy-to-use and delightful user interface makes information flow easier. The client will better understand the factors that have an impact on his or her risk level and the way he or she can manage those risks.

client assessment

During the assessment, the clients have to give their data, answer questions about their lifestyles and their possessions, investments, savings, and current insurances. In other words, the assessment takes into account every piece of data that can be relevant when choosing an insurance or banking product.

While filling out the form, the graphics play a significant role as they are self-explanatory and don’t require the client to have any preliminary knowledge of neither technologies nor financial products. The graphical interface shows the different ages, family backgrounds, and interests with different characters. The savings and assets also appear as easily identifiable graphics during the selection procedure.

client assessment

At the end of the assessment, the application gives a personal risk index and advises the client on which risks should be managed. Optionally,  the financial services provider can suggest products that will get them closer to their goal.

SCOLVO Sales – The ultimate selling machine for financial institutions has arrived:

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